About Fast Food Pilipinas

Whether it be burgers, french fries, pizzas, chicken wings and the like, Fast Food Pilipinas talks about the best and not-to-best things about the Philippine Fast Food industry.

In the fast paced life in the Philippines today, there is a growing need for quick-to-eat food. Meetings. Overtimes. Overnights. Fast food has become a big part of Philippine life. The fast food industry is a growing business here in the Philippines. Entrepreneurs and big companies put up fast food restaurants faster than you can say "Take Out!".

On this site, we hope to discuss with you your fast food experiences. We want to create a forum for people to talk about their favorite meals, deals and anything in between. We want to exchange notes and thoughts about your fast food restaurant of choice. Good or bad, as long as it is worth the conversation, let's talk about it here.

I hope you can tell your friends about us especially those who are fast food connoisseurs.